Welcome to AcademicBlogs, a network of research blogs at the University of Glasgow. The network provides an alternative and dynamic channel to engage with research at the University— ranging from single-author blogs that discuss activities in a discrete research area, through to multi-author blogs run by one of our research units. We also include several ‘adopted blogs’, which pre-date the network, but are official blogs for research units at the University.
The University has also recently partnered with The Conversation, which provides another outlet for discussion
The Conversation (UK) 
The Conversation is an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. Here you can read contributions from academic staff at the University of Glasgow.
Find out more about writing for The Conversation.
Our AcademicBlogs blogroll
The End of Life Studies 
A research project working on approaches to how we can re-frame social science research on end of life care in the international context, providing knowledge to shape policy, service and practice development globally.
The School of Law 
A blog discussing advances in our areas of expertise and in legal education, with updates from conferences and other news related to the School.
Naturally Speaking 
Naturally Speaking is the official blog (and podcast) of the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine—cutting edge research & ecology banter. While not on the network itself as it pre-dates AcademicBlogs, it is one of our ‘adopted blogs’.
Centre for Virus Research 
The MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research carries out interdisciplinary research on viruses and viral diseases of humans and animals, translating the knowledge gained for the improvement of human and animal health
The Institute of Health and Wellbeing Knowledge Exchange Students (iHAWKES) is a fortnightly blog established in 2014 by postgraduate research students at the Institute of Health and Wellbeing.
School of Cultural & Creative Arts 
A blog designed to showcase research within the school by highlighting some of the various performances, events, lectures, and publications in which our students and staff are involved.
Textile Conservation 
A blog featuring the research of the Centre for Textile Conservation where staff and students discuss textile degradation, new materials in textile conservation and aspects of textile conservation practice.
Knit history 
Knit history explores how historical understandings of knit as an economic, creative and cultural practice inform modern and contemporary uses of this textile practice.
Medical Humanities Research Centre 
The Medical Humanities Research Centre blog is intended to highlight medical humanities research and events taking place across Glasgow and the central belt.